It's Time to Say Farewell ...

. . .Last week to shop in person!
Please Stop By This Week So I May Say Goodbye!
Our Last Week on Lancaster Boulevard July 7 - 11thTuesday - Friday 11 a.m. til 5 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m. til 7 p.m.

Here's the ScoopWell ladies and a few gents. . . Darla's Closet is closing. . . When I opened Darla's Closet I was in a different place in life and now I have a family and also teach full-time (you didn't know that. . . huh?LOL). Now, I am in a different place. Darla's Closet served me well. I learned so much and met some amazing women. You know, before I opened I used to ask God, "Are you sure this is what you want me to do? How does a boutique help people?" But, I kept getting confirmation and doors kept opening, so I kept walking through.You know, you never know how your spiritual maker wants you to enhance the lives of others and how He uses others and your experiences to take you to a new place. Now, I get it! Thank you so much. So many of you inspired me; you said exactly what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it and I just hope that I and my team of Shopgirls have been able to show you how beautiful you truly are, despite your size. I hope I convinced you to believe (ya'll know I'm bossy - LOL) that your attitude and what you believe is more imporant that your dress size. I am a voluptuous women, a solid 16 and you can't tell me that I am not cute! LOL. Ladies, our minds can hold us back or propel us to amazing new heights. Don't let negativity hold you back. Yes, you can! Why not you?What's NextIn the spirit of sharing great finds with my Girlfriends, I will continue to shop a few great designers and offer their selections online. Over the years, I've discovered some amazing fashion companies that are high quality and totally amazing. So, I will purchase a few styles each month, only stuff I actually wear and share with you. There are almost 4000 of you, so as usual, the early girl gets the great piece! But, because I am working with limited designers I can help you determine fit and you are probably familiar with some. When you visit you'll see our blog (I'll turn off the music. . . it's a bit annoying I know) to introduce my new finds. Click the pic and it will take you to the online boutique to view closely and/or purchase. Don't worry, you'll be able to return anything that doesn't suit your tastes when it arrives and FedEx will get you your package within 1-2 days if you are in California.Please follow Darla's Closet on Twitter for updates.A Favor. . . Please click here and tell us what you think about Darla's Closet for the cyber world to know. Thank you much. Kisses.

Please come and give me a hug goodbye!I am opening the boutique this week only July 7 - July 11. Tuesday thru Friday 11 a.m. til 5 p.m. and Saturday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Say goodbye to Gia and Priscilla). just so I can personally say "Thank You" and "Goodbye." We are selling all inventory, art and fixtures (chandeliers included, but not the chaise. . . . sorry). We prefer cash, but will gladly take Visa and MC.xxoo,Darlap.s. If it's your dream to open a boutique, please consider Downtown Lancaster. Our city is what we make it! My location is FABULOUS! The building owner is fantastic. Please email him if you are interested in the space. Downtown is finally becoming what I knew it would be!

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